Friday, January 27, 2012

#141 Why do I "torture" myself?

    Throughout my life, I have looked for ways to "torture" myself.  Not just self injury; but feeling hate and shame about my body, calling myself stupid at every turn and regularly putting myself in embarrassing and humiliating situations.  And obsessively worrying without relief  until I find myself in a panic and occassionally a firestorm which can only be stopped by self injury. A vicious circle of fear and pain.
    I think it is because when I get to the edge of....I am not going to triggers "the fantasy." 
    The fantasy that someone out there knows how much I am suffering and knows that I do not deserve this pain and they are getting ready to come and save me.
    Maybe today, maybe in just 5 minutes (if I can hold out for just 5 minutes more) that someone will arrive to take away the terror and stop the pain. I go into my head and pretend that 'help-is-on-the-way'.  Just one minute before I reach my limit (just a second before I die) someone will come.  I won't be alone anymore.  The pain will be stopped.
    This is why I torture myself.