Tuesday, May 4, 2010

#126 Careful or Careless?

If I am careless with my feelings you’ll get mad at me.
If I’m careful with my emotions you’ll get frustrated with me.

Yes. Yes. I know, there is a middle ground.
I have visited that ball park and survived,
but I‘m not able to live there all the time.

If I try to contain all of my anxiety and anger,
I will be alone when this lethal mixture goes off.

I am convinced that I will always carry too much of these feelings.
History tells me so.

It is so very important to me that I am in control of them,
out in the world where innocents can be hurt.

But, whether careful or careless,
I can feel them pushing outwards against my skin.
And it scares me.

But with one person, please God,
with just one person, I would like to feel safe.

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