Monday, September 1, 2008

#58 The Loud Voices Win!

what happens in my life is that
I don't manage big feelings
but instead I (try to) manage
the loud voices in my head.

The loud voices are always telling me
that I am doing and saying stupid things
and so I feel ashamed.

The loud voices are always telling me
that people don't like me
and so I feel sad.

The loud voices are always telling me
that this shouldn’t be happening
and so I feel angry.

The loud voices are always telling me
that there is a crisis developing
and so I feel scared.

The loud voices are always telling me
that I am forever going to be crazy
and so I feel hopeless.

So, in my efforts to suppress
this chorus of voices in my head,
I never give my feelings the chance
to breathe,
to live,
to be a witness in the world.

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